Main Street U.S.A.

Main Street U.S.A.
Pretty much every town in the U.S. has a Main Street. So what is Main Street typically like? It usually runs through the center of a town and has the town’s pharmacy, local eating and coffee places, and stores.

main street

the principal thoroughfare, especially through the business district, in a small town.

What is the origin of the term Main Street?
Word Origin & History

Main Street 
"principal street of a (U.S.) town," 1810. Used allusively to indicate "mediocrity, small town materialism"  from late 19c., esp. since publication of Sinclair Lewis's novel "Main Street" (1920).
Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper 
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Before arriving in the town where you will live, it is a good idea to look at what Main Street businesses you will have access to. This will prepare you for what kind of shops, eateries and other necessities you can enjoy.  If you would like more information about what the town has, look at their Chamber of Commerce website. All businesses in a town are usually members of a town’s Chamber of Commerce.

In addition, the Chamber of Commerce for each town has an events calendar. You can look at events the town has planned – like parades, festivals, fairs, music events and visiting lecturers. To find any town's Chamber of Commerce, google (town name) + Chamber of Commerce. Each town has its own local organization.

For example, if you will be living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

May 2012


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